About Community Acupuncture.
Receiving acupuncture in a group setting is not a new concept, it has been a community based medicine for most of its long history. In Asia, acupuncture has traditionally been practiced in group rather than individual settings.
For acupuncture to be most effective, patients need to receive it frequently and regularly. With that goal in mind, the “community acupuncture” model was created.
Simple Pricing That Just Makes Sense.
We want to do everything possible to make acupuncture affordable to you, so our treatments are offered at a donation. When people begin treatment, they usually need 2 or 3 treatments a week until the symptoms are under control.
Preparing For Your Very First Visit With Us.
Getting acupuncture in our community room is a relaxing and energizing experience for most people.
We have outlined 4 simple steps for new patients of Mandala Acupuncture Project – everything from what to wear, to what time to show up.