About Community Acupuncture
Receiving acupuncture in a group setting is not a new concept, it has been a community based medicine for most of its long history. In Asia, acupuncture has traditionally been practiced in a group rather than an individual setting. For acupuncture to be most effective, patients need to receive it frequently and regularly; especially in the beginning for a chronic issue.
The frequency of your acupuncture treatments will depend on:
- The severity of your medical condition
- The length of time you have been experiencing your medical condition
Chronic, severe medical conditions will entail a longer span of visits to resolve than a recent illness or injury. After your initial consultation, and response to your first treatment, the frequency of treatments will be able to be determined by your acupuncturist.
With that goal in mind, the “Community Acupuncture” model was created.
Getting acupuncture in our treatment room is a relaxing and energizing experience. No matter what the primary issue is, people who receive regular treatments report overall improvements in sleep, energy, and mood.
We Need Your Support
Wondering how you can help support MAP and Community Acupuncture? Let your friends know about community acupuncture! Feel free to take as many cards and brochures on your next visit to help spread the word. For friends far away, visit the People’s Organization of Community Acupuncture to find clinics for loved ones in other places.
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