Prepare for First Visit

Four Simple Steps for New Patients of Mandala Acupuncture Project

The process for first-timers is super-simple. We’ve narrowed it down to 4 simple steps…

Step 1: Schedule Your First Appointment.

This part is easy. You can schedule an appointment by pressing this blue button   

Step 2: Fill Out The Super Quick Paperwork.

We will have an online intake form you can fill out sent to your email after you schedule your 1st appointment. Otherwise, plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early to do the paperwork at our office. This will also give you time to ask any questions or address any concerns that you may have as a newbie.

Step 3: Dress and Prepare for Napping

When you visit us, be sure to wear loose clothing (wide leg pants, long skirts and short sleeves or loose sleeves that can be rolled up). We’ll need access to areas just above your knees and just above your elbows.

  • Please don’t wear perfumes or heavy scents.
  • No eating in the treatment room.
  • Do not answer your phone in the treatment room. You are more than welcome to use headphones/ear-pods to listen to your music etc on your phone during treatment.

Step 4: Settle In and Get Comfy.

  • Please enter the clinic quietly, silence your phone, and use your “library voice” to help preserve the calm environment.
  • Find your assigned comfy seat in our therapeutic treatment room, kick off your shoes, roll up your sleeves & pant legs, and relax. We’ll do the rest. Let us know if there’s a certain time you need to be finished—if not each treatment is around 40 minutes.

One Last Tip: Be sure you’ve had something to eat prior to your acupuncture treatment.